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Democratic National Convention: Night 2

Following last night, with Michelle Obama tearing the house down (and sending Kleenex stock soaring) and Julian Castro becoming an overnight star, it was always going to be tough to beat, but let's see who gave it a shot.  The best of the night:

Jim Hunt (Four-term former Governor of North Carolina): Granted, I'm a bit of a sucker for Hunt, whom I have always thought well of (not to be confused with the liberal talk radio host), Hunt focused on his greatest passion-education.  Few governors have devoted their time in office so fully to America's schools and children.  Even at 75, he can still bring the fire in his belly (perhaps a Secretary of Education if Arne Duncan retires?).

Cecile Richards (President of Planned Parenthood): An impassioned, smart speaker, Richards had a fine introduction from one of the many women who received healthcare as a result of Planned Parenthood.  And she had one of the most memorable and moving moments of the night when she mentioned her mother, Democratic icon and former Texas governor Ann Richards.  Cecile Richards was clearly moved when the entire stadium stood in thunderous applause as a salute to her beloved late mother.

Simone Campbell (NETWORK Executive Director and one of the "Nuns on the Bus"): A Catholic nun talking about how she is her sister's keeper and her brother's keeper, and got a huge standing ovation at the convention.  Her best line was about supporting Obama's health care plan because it was part of her "pro-life" stance.

Sandra Fluke (Women's Rights Activist): Fluke may have been an anonymous Georgetown law student a year ago, but today, she proved that she can fight for women everywhere.  With a verve and a passion for her beliefs, she got out in front of the audience and stated, "our president, when he hears a young woman has been attacked, worries about his daughters-not his delegates or his donors."  She may be a private citizen, but it would be a pity if a woman of this talent made this her final convention.  Maybe next time she'll be on the House committee?

Elizabeth Warren (Candidate for the United States Senate, MA): While she's still a political speaking novice, there's a fire, talent, and yes, set of liberal beliefs that Warren shares and spoke about tonight that makes her not only a great potential senator, but a worthy successor to "The Lion of the Senate."

Bill Clinton (42nd President of the United States): While it might not have been the grand slam that Michelle Obama batted yesterday, this was a ground-rule double that knocked at least one batter (hopefully Barack Obama) home.  Funny, off-the-cuff, with that wily Bill charm that both endorsed Obama and occasionally slyly compared himself to President Obama.  Though it was hard to tell who was actually running against Mitt Romney, the point came across-vote for Democrats!!!!

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