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In The Metro: Casa Nami + Teeyah's 25th Birthday

Teeyah's 25th birthday celebration is how every 25th birthday should be celebrated... great booze, great music and great company.. ehem! :)
I really felt like my drink, screw(ed) driver, while we scour Makati for the best place to chill. After all, I have something to celebrate, too. And to be honest, I just didn't want to go home after winning an Ipod Nano, a gadget I've been lemming for a long time. C'mon, I deserve a drink for embarrasing myself amongst the blogging community, right? But the traffic was crazy and everyone is everywhere! No parking at the best places in Makati... I thought we really won't have a nice place to hang out. Until we got to Casa Nami, that is. The music was blasting songs from my teenage angst years and I was just in a trance. Music has been a great influence in my younger years and hearing these songs again trasnported me to those days... It was great! Beyond it, actually...

And the Polynesian Punch really hit with a bang. It's a great drink. Thanks to the hot wings Phoebe ordered for us, I gulped more of my drink.
The songs by Dishwalla, Gin Blossoms, Stone Temple Pilots, Alanis Morissette and more made the night totally worth the traffic and the stress. The band Stories of Now sang songs as if they got a hold of my 6 CD Holder Player back in late 90's. Its was crazy creepy... Best of all, they sang the song First of Summer by Urban Dub. Another highlight was me and Teeyah dancing to The Killer's Mr. Brightside... yup, we're the only ones dancing amidst the chillax peeps. lol!

Still sober... :) hehehe!
Can you tell who's drunk? hehehe!
Ang kulet lang namin..

Can you tell I'm drunk? Hehehe!

Casa Nami at its best!
One of my favorite drink!
Happy Birthday!
Phoebe is too cute here! :)
Me sans makeup
I love hanging out at the bar!

There are only a few places in the metro where I could really relate to and Casa Nami is now a part of it. Although I enjoy grinding and gyrating to the tunes of Beyonce, Kesha, Rhianna and the rest of the the clubbing music, there is something about alternative rock that soothes the hell out of me. But I'm glad I didn't enjoy this alone... I was in company of people who loved the same music as I do.
Casa Nami is really one of best places out there for my generation. A chill place to hang out with your friends and reminsice old times. The booze may be cheap but at least the tequila shots ain't. The clean atmosphere is something new to me but I appreciate seeing the face of the one I'm talking to... Downside? Can't smoke insdie. There's a separate area for that... for be ready to pause a few times for those yosi breaks.

Bartender recommends Polynesian Punch as the bar's best cocktail. for 175, you get a grande size of it! Don't be shy to ask for an extra cherry. :)

So, if your friday is a bit bland, head on to Jupiter St., Makati and hit up Casa Nami for some rockin night with your pals. :)

As for me, I can't wait for the next visit!! Teeyah, whatchathink?

much love,

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Casa Nami is located at Jupiter St. Makati (above Whistlestop, beside Fiama)

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