Today's the big day! The night the stars and the creators of the movies come together to see who will be
And this year, I might even watch it live (if I find a way). I'm usually asleep, being in the UK, so I catch up on the gossip the next day, but this year I’m willing to sacrifice sleep to watch the ceremony.
A few years ago I had seen most of the big contenders, however this year I'm a falling a bit behind. Therefore instead of doing just predictions, because quite often I disagree with the winners (see the 2011 Best Director ‘incident’) I'm going to do a little ‘what I want to win’ and ‘what I think will win’ blog post.
So we're up to date, here is the tiny list of nominated films which I have actually seen.
Brave, Django Unchained, Hitchcock, Les Misérables, Life of Pi, Mirror Mirror, Moonrise Kingdom, The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists, Skyfall, The Avengers, Wreck-It Ralph, Zero Dark Thirty.As you can see, not an awful lot of the big ones to develop an unbiased opinion on the nominees. Regardless, I want to blog about it so here are my wants and predictions.
Best Picture (Amour, Argo, Beasts Of The Southern Wild, Django Unchained, Les Misérables, Lincoln, Life Of Pi, Silver Linings Playbook, Zero Dark Thirty)
Want: I’d love Zero Dark Thirty to win as I think I enjoyed it most out of what I’ve seen.
Prediction: Argo has got it in the bag.
Best Director (Michael Haneke – Amour, Ang Lee - Life of Pi, David O Russell - Silver Linings Playbook, Steven Spielberg – Lincoln, Benh Zeitlin - Beasts of the Southern Wild)
Want: I’ve only seen Life of Pi, which I think Ang Lee would be a worthy winner.
Prediction: I have a feeling Spielberg will get it.
Although I'd love Ben Affleck to defy the odds with the loophole
Best Actor (Daniel Day Lewis – Lincoln, Bradley Cooper - Silver Linings Playbook, Hugh Jackman - Les Miserables, Joaquin Phoenix - The Master, Denzel Washington – Flight)
Want: I’m still gutted I haven’t seen Lincoln, but I still want Daniel Day-Lewis to win from word of mouth and his BAFTA speech.
Prediction: Daniel Day-Lewis
Actress (Jessica Chastain - Zero Dark Thirty, Jennifer Lawrence - Silver Linings Playbook, Emmanuelle Riva – Amour, Quvenzhane Wallis - Beasts of the Southern Wild, Naomi Watts - The Impossible)
Want: Jessica Chastian
Prediction: Emmanuelle Riva
Supporting Actor (Alan Arkin – Argo, Robert De Niro - Silver Linings Playbook, Tommy Lee Jones – Lincoln, Christoph Waltz - Django Unchained, Philip Seymour Hoffman - The Master)
Want: Christoph Waltz (for all the awards)
Prediction: Christoph Waltz
Supporting Actress (Amy Adams - The Master, Sally Field – Lincoln, Anne Hathaway - Les Miserables, Helen Hunt - The Sessions, Jacki Weaver - Silver Linings Playbook)
Want: Anne Hathaway
Prediction: Anne Hathaway
Original Screenplay (Amour - Michael Haneke, Django Unchained - Quentin Tarantino, Flight - John Gatins, Moonrise Kingdom - Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola, Zero Dark Thirty - Mark Boal)
Want: I'm still quite upset that Moonrise wasn't considered for more nominations, so I'd love to see Anderson and Coppola get this one. Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola - Moonrise Kingdom
Prediction: Quentin Tarantino - Django Unchained
Adapted Screenplay (Argo - Chris Terrio, Beasts Of The Southern Wild - Lucy Alibar and Benh Zeitlin, Life Of Pi - David Magee, Lincoln - Tony Kushner, Silver Linings Playbook - David O Russell)
Want: The book that seemed impossible to adapt, Life of Pi.
Prediction: Silver Linings Playbook
Best Animated film (Brave, Frankenweenie, Paranorman, Pirates! Band of Misfits (UK title: Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists), Wreck-it Ralph)
Prediction: Brave
Want: So surprised by how much heart and magic was in Wreck-It Ralph, so I'd love it to win.
Best Foreign film (Amour, No, War witch, A Royal Affair, Kon-Tiki)
Want: Amour
Prediction: Amour
Best Original Score (Anna Karenina - Dario Marianelli, Argo - Alexandre Desplat, Life Of Pi - Mychael Danna, Lincoln - John Williams, Skyfall - Thomas Newman.)
Want: Lincoln - John Williams
Prediction: Lincoln - John Williams
Best Original Song (Before My Time (Chasing Ice), Everybody Needs A Best Friend (Ted), Pi's lullaby (Life Of Pi), Skyfall (Skyfall), Suddenly (Les Miserables)
Want: Skyfall
Prediction: Skyfall
I'm sure everyone disagrees with me, so I'd love to hear other predictions or choices for winners. Let me know!
I get so giddy at the thought of all these wonderful people being in one room. Say what you will about the awards being pretentious and wrong, they are so glamorous. Despite not seeing a lot of contenders, I am excited for the show, mostly because of who is performing and hosting.
I hope the fact that Seth MacFarlane is hosting means he just sings a lot.
Will you be watching the Oscars tonight?
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