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amy winehouse no makeup_27

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  • vincenz
    Mar 13, 05:26 PM
    Opinions should be the same. Nuclear is clean and efficient, but has potential dangers. Shouldn't take a meltdown to remind anyone of that.

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  • justflie
    Sep 20, 08:28 AM
    I guess it wouldn't necessarily even need a hard drive. what about the option of including some video inputs on the back and streaming the video it sees on the screen BACK to your computer? It already has the bandwidth to stream from your computer, so why wouldn't it be able to do the opposite (given it has video inputs)? While this might not be ideal for some people who don't have a lot of HDD space, it would allow for editing out commercials, compression to ipods, etc, much like my eyetv 250. I think it would probably be better this way since it would be cheaper buying an external HDD for your computer than havnig a big HDD in ur ITV.

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  • mingoglia
    Apr 20, 06:30 PM
    It will be interesting 10 years from now to compare the number of viruses that will have occurred on android vs. iOS.

    You mean just like unix operating systems have "so many" viruses and it's a completely open source environment? In fact OSX is based on BSD unix. LOL

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  • paul4339
    Apr 28, 11:04 AM
    However the iPad is not a pc, so this report is a bit on the Apple side here.

    I see where you are coming from, but these reports has nothing to do what you or I or MR thinks whether the iPad is *technically* a pc ... the reports are used to communicate to an audience interested in understanding where the market is heading so that they can make more money.

    These are sales/shipment reports. The reason why the iPad is grouped in is because they compete for the same consumer dollar pool and execs from companies want to understand the direction of market and where the money is going.

    If anything there's any criticism, I would like to see a consumer vs enterprise breakdown (since they have different dollar pools).

    Also, I think the reason why 'Apple slipped' is because Calendar Q4 quarter is the holiday season and usually consumer electronics sales surges and unlike HP/Dell (who sell alot to enterprise), Apple sell mostly to consumers electronics market.


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  • skunk
    Apr 27, 01:15 PM
    The main argument against the Judaeo-Christian God is: there is evil in the world, God is meant to be all-powerful and all-loving, and all-knowing, yet evil continues unabated.The real point is that the "Judaeo-Christian God" is not Judaeo-Christian at all, but the chief god of the Ugaritic pantheon, and no more "real" than Zeus, Jupiter, Horus or Astarte.

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  • CompUser
    Aug 29, 11:28 AM
    You can't always win :rolleyes: :cool: :D

    CRT monitors also consume more power than LCDs.

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  • everettmarshall
    Apr 13, 08:38 AM
    Not having seen FCPX first hand I will completely withhold judgement on the app until I do.

    But I will make the observation that it seems for some, the price point is what makes this app "less" pro. The fact that more people can get it and call themselves video or film editors when they are no more an editor than someone who buys a tool set at Lowe's is a mechanic.

    Having the tools doesn't mean you know how to use them - but with more people having the tools thinking they do - the value of those that REALLY do can be affected if it appears that "anyone" can do it.

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  • Anonymous Freak
    Sep 26, 11:17 AM
    Therefore current Mac Pro users may be able to upgrade to 8-core machines upon availability of the new chips

    Emphasis mine. Whaddaya mean 'may'? Anandtech (http://anandtech.com/mac/showdoc.aspx?i=2832&p=6) confirmed that they work.

    Oh, and as for quad-core laptops? Not any time soon. Sorry. We'll see quad-core Xeons this year, maybe a quad core 'Core 2 Extreme' this year, followed by a few desktop 'Core 2 Quadro's next year.

    The big problem is that the early quad-core chips are really just two dual-core chips in the same package. So not only are they big (you CAN'T fit four Conroes on a Socket 775 package, so we WON'T be seeing similar eight-core chips until a die shrink,) but they draw almost exactly twice as much power as the same GHz dual-core chip. That already will already push the Xeons and Core 2s to the thermal envelope that was hit by the NetBurst based models. So we'll have to wait for a die shrink before we see quad-core in any of the 'consumer' desktop Macs or laptops. (The die shrink is scheduled for late next year.)

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 26, 03:46 PM
    You won't see a Clovertown Mac Pro until after Adobe announces the ship date for CS3. The reasons are simple -- a) most would-be Mac Pro purchasers are holding off until the native version of Creative Suite; and b) marketing-wise changing from a dual dual 3 GHz high end to a dual quad 2.66 GHz high end would be seen as a downgrade.

    There's a whole lot more in this world than CS3 and thousands of buyers who will gladly jump onto the 8-core bandwagon even if CS3 never arrives. Every decent 3D graphics package out there will benefit from having 8 cores as will many simulation and visualizations softwares, scientific applications, video applications. Honestly, the only application in CS3 that really needs multi-core support is Photoshop and like any individual piece of software, it's just that, a piece... A tool used along with several others to complete a task. Apple has nothing to lose and everything to gain by adding 8-core CPU options to their configuration page. And they will do so as soon as the processors are sufficeintly available to meet their perceived demand.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 14, 04:53 PM
    The U.S. is proving to be the worst thing to happen to Mother Earth since the inception of time.

    ...until the next global power comes along.

    I'm kinda dumbfounded that electrical use in the US would be climbing when:
    Modern lightbulbs and computers don't use much energy, my laptop and a single energy efficient light bulb probably use less energy than just a incandescent light bulb from 20 years ago.

    Indeed. You can power several compact fluorescent lights and a smaller laptop using the same amount of electricity as one 40 or 60 watt bulb. But 20 years ago we didn't all have laptops, cell phones, and other electronic devices - or as many people using them.

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  • BoyBach
    Aug 29, 02:18 PM
    - They've indirectly caused the deaths of thousands of starving Africans by preventing the development of genetically-engineered foods.

    Do be frank you're talking crap! :mad:

    There is more than enough food being produced and, more importantly, wasted to ensure that nobody goes to bed with an empty stomach. The reason millions, not thousands, of Africans have died, and continue to do so, are varied and complex.

    But to simplify, as you have, surely the blame lies with corrupt African governments that line their own pockets with Western aid whilst their population die of disease and hunger? To 'save' Africa, the leadership needs to be strong, and it's main aim must be the well-being and protection of it's citizens.

    GM foods will not save Africa and Greenpeace is not in any way responsible for the death of Africans from starvation for opposing GM research.

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  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 18, 07:53 AM
    I hope not =/ this would suck. Good thing I BARELY ever use MyWi... but can they make me switch to a tethering plan? Not without my authorization.. hah!

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  • OllyW
    Apr 28, 08:52 AM
    However, tablets are PCs.

    We'll have to disagree on that one. :)

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  • danielwsmithee
    Sep 12, 04:14 PM
    If this is all iTV is going to offer for $249 then forget it.

    I'll just use a cable to hook my laptop to my TV.

    Voila! I just replaced iTV for less than $5.00.Price for me $1099 cheapest MacBook plus $5 cable $1104. I think I'll take the $249.

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  • pika2000
    Mar 18, 03:00 AM
    This is why I bought the Nexus One.
    Although I'm afraid I might be forced to let go my grand-fathered unlimited data plan in the near future. Does anybody know if adding a line and converting both it and my line into a family plan will kick me out of the grand-fathered unlimited data plan?

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  • TheRealTVGuy
    Mar 18, 01:47 AM
    Poor thing... he doesn't realize napster and limewire are history. Also, once the data hits my device, it's mine to do with as I please. Thank you very much.


    Yeah, because ever since the iTunes store opened, I haven't had the need...

    Unless it's Metallica, then I'm all for ripping those guys off, just to mess with them!

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  • paeza
    Oct 26, 01:33 AM
    Hey guys we should hold out for 128 cores. Apple will make it soon. I guess

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 13, 06:33 PM
    We will take your depleted uranium, and use it in our reactors. :D

    But the U.S. is using this material to coat their artillery shells, the better to penetrate the Bad Guy's tanks and fortifications. :rolleyes:

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  • Macaddicttt
    Mar 18, 02:35 PM
    Anyone care to make this interesting? I'm taking all bets. How long until Apple fixes the problem?

    May 5, 08:38 PM
    Great phone, crappy AT&T service, Apple should develop a version to run on Verizon.

    Apr 28, 09:19 AM
    Some people around here flip-flop on the issue depending on the latest stats.

    Don't be fooled.

    Next quarter you'll see very, very different numbers. Over the next 3-5 years you'll see the decline of the entire PC market and a shift over to tablets and pad devices as they become more capable and powerful. The ecosystem is already in place. The content distribution model is already in place. Look what you can already do with an iPad. Mirror games onto HDTVs. Photoshop on the iPad. The list goes on. And note how quickly this all happened.

    And with a PC, you can actually make the iPad work. :)

    Digital Skunk
    Apr 13, 08:28 AM
    The shortcuts hasnt changed and it is possible to remap shortcuts so no need to worry.

    I believe you. . . but do you have a link. I haven't dug around a lot for it yet. That's really my biggest concern with this update. When I read that they were optimizing the app for a single screen I cheered. Making everything fit in a single moveable window . . . . great. I do hope they take a cue from Adobe Premier, and make the palettes/windows auto dock and auto resize.

    I love the UI tweaks. Puts the apps in-tune with the rest of the industry. Going to a white on black, dark interface that just about everything has now. Removing the tiny buttons scattered throughout the UI . . . also a plus.

    If those details that we spent years waiting for in FCP7 leave or are changed for no reason then I'll be a little disappointed. If they've been left the same, and I can download the new app and hit the ground running . . . . (and there aren't any bugs like the current version, which is why I am happy for a rewrite from the ground up Apple style) then this is a very welcomed update.

    Sep 20, 05:29 PM
    I whole-heartedly agree.

    I find it higly unlikely that there's a physical Hard Drive in the box that amounts to anything more than the UI and/or chache/buffer.

    There's absolutely no need and would complicate the equation indefinitely, especially concerning digital rights.

    Let's assume Iger is right, though, that there IS a HDD in the TelePort (or as you infidels call it, iTV), and that it can act as a stand-alone media access point. The question remains, how would you be able to get media onto it? Either 1) it comes with some sort of operating system which allowed you to connect it to iTS for content, or 2) it could be detected by a Mac or PC as a computer/HD over the network in order to drag-n-drop media.

    Option 1, I think, is too far-fetched and risky. There would be substantial reliability issues using HDs that small to run an OS. We've all heard many nightmare-ish stories about people trying to bring their home computer to work, booting via iPod. Nonetheless, this seems like the most likely option for the use of a HDD.

    Option 2, if this is the case, you already have a full-sized (i.e. reliable) HDD in your computer, which is connected to the internet, (i.e. iTS) for content. Why would you even need a HD in the box? Basically, Apple would be spending money on MicroDrives which don't have a reliable life-span and take up valuable space inside the box and for what? So that you can have an identical copy of a 1GB movie on both your Mac and your iTV box? As long as streaming works, there's no need. As long as streaming works, there's no need. As long as streaming works, there's no need!

    PLUS, with iTunes DRM, you are limited to the number of copies you can make on devices you own. So an HD in the iTV would eat up one of those copies for any of the media you would choose to load onto it.

    I do think, however, it would be likely to allow it to connect to .Mac, although streaming from the net is slower than from within an internal network... and on top of that, I don't know many people who store full-length, full-quality movies in their .Mac storage. In fact, I don't know any.

    So, that's why I think there will be no HDD in the TelePort.


    That makes no sense at all..

    In order to even view and/or listen to any media from another computer it needs a front row interface.That interface must be on the component itself.So in order for front row to run it must have some kind of O/S built into it.

    May 2, 04:38 PM
    Cutting a deal with a hacker, if we can get one who's up high enough ...
    This sounds like you're under the mistaken impression that hackers are members of some kind of organization or ranking.... they're not. They are, for the most part, quite independent. There's no such thing as "Hacker, Class 3" or "Hacker, Class 1". Also, not all hackers write malware and not all malware writers are hackers. The more you offer such statements, the more you reveal that you have no idea what you're talking about.

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