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What I Got For Christmas 2018

I always suddenly become very nosy once all the what I got for Christmas' posts come out - I love seeing what people get and they can come in handy for inspiration for previous years. I have written my own the past few years - also because it can be a useful way for me to look back on what I have received, so I decided to carry on the trend this year. I am of course super grateful for everything I received, I have definitely been very treated this year!


Of course one of the things I am most excited for is makeup, so I was really excited to receive not one, but two eyeshadow palettes. From my brother I received the Colourpop It's A Princess Thing palette; I absolutely adore their Disney Princess range so I am really excited to own the palette from it. It's a lovely everyday palette with some showstopping silver and gold shimmers too, I really love it.

I also received the Too Faced Gingerbread Spice palette - I asked for this one but had pretty much accepted I wouldn't get it because it was sold out everywhere, but my mum managed to get one of Selfridge's last ones and I couldn't believe it! I am head over heels in love with this palette, it is filled with gorgeous warm tones and some really unique shades while the formula and quality is outstanding.

From my grandparents, I got a few products from Pixi, a brand I have been dying to try for ages but they are definitely more of a treat because I couldn't quite justify spending that much myself on skincare. I received the Best Of Bright set which comes with some of their classic staple products, including the Glow Tonic which I can't wait to try out. I also got the Glow Mist which looks fab and I think it will come in extra handy in the summer months when you need a bit of hydration.


My Aunties clubbed together to get me The Crown box set, including seasons 1 and 2 - I really love The Crown (it totally fuelled my royal obsession), but I don't have Netflix so I am crazy excited to own it so I can finally watch it properly in HD on TV. They also got me the Christopher Robin DVD, which I saw at the cinema and loved so I can't wait to watch it again.

My parents also got me a book called 'On This Day In History' by Dan Snow, I spotted this in Waterstones when it came out and it looked super interesting, going through every day of the year with an event in history so I can't wait to read it. They also got me a Vogue colouring book inspired by the 60s along with a Vogue magazine subscription, which I cannot wait to receive - especially as my first subscribed issue will have Emma Stone on the cover! Friends monopoly was also something I am really happy to have received, it really isn't Christmas for me without receiving something Friends related and it was really fun to play, even if I came last!


Since I got my record player last Christmas I have enjoyed collecting vinyls, and I received two of my all-time favourite albums on vinyl - Coldplay's A Head Full Of Dreams and Harry Styles. I also was very surprised to receive Coldplay's Butterfly Package on vinyl form - a live recording of their tour along with two DVDs, on gold vinyl. It looks so stunning but is quite expensive (my mum put money towards it because she wanted it too) so I am so happy I got that because I really wasn't expecting it!


 I am so excited to have received a few items by Kate Spade this year, which included a pencil pouch - which I plan to save for university because it's super gorgeous, a phone case with the Empire State building which actually glows in the dark, it's such good quality (as I am sure you would expect), and finally this gorgeous rose gold necklace. One side has the letter E on it for my name, and the other says 'one in a million'. It is so pretty and will match my rose gold watches and bracelet.


I still can't quite believe my favourite present of all - it was a total surprise which is always the best sort of presents. My parents got me a burgundy Michael Kors clutch bag which is so so pretty, it fits my phone in perfectly and has plenty of space for money along with two zipped compartments. It is so lovely and I can't wait to use it; since it's burgundy it matches so many of my outfits too.

I got a few other little bits but I really wanted to round up some of my favourites - of course, I am super grateful for absolutely everything I receive. I would love to hear what you received in the comments because as I said, I am super nosy!

EG x

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