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Maybelline Color Sensational Shine Gloss

This week has been all about the lip products apart from that one day I talked about a blush so I guess I will continue the unplanned theme of lipgloss for this week. Today is all about the Maybelline color sensational lip gloss and I will give you a hint, I love it.

This product was first brought to my attention by my favourite blogger at the moment, ViviannaDoesMakeup, either on her blog or her Youtube channel, she mentioned this product and i had to try it. I didn't buy it straight away but bought it as part of a 3 for 2 when i was in Superdrug so i got it free because it was the cheapest item. Normally at £6.19 it is a reasonable price for a lipgloss but i like to think of it as free which makes it even better. I have the lipgloss in the colour Cashmere Rose which can I start off by saying is a lovely name for a lipgloss, don't you love it when products have a cute name, it can actually help form my opinion on a product. Cashmere Rose in the tube looks quite peachy pink and has visible glitter in the tube however on the lips you can't tell that there is glitter and shows up more pinky on my lips but has a lovely peach tone to it. Personally i prefer a bit of glitter in my lipgloss but thats just me i think it looks more glossy which is what you want from a lipgloss. It has a very smooth feeling on the lips and has a lovely fruity taste and smell. It has a lighter feeling on the lips than the Tanya Burr glosses but it does not last as long as them. It is super glossy and shiny and looks great as a gloss by itself and over a lipstick like Creme Cup by Mac. I haven't always been a big gloss wearer due to bad experiences with disgustingly tacky and sticky glosses but this is one of the lipgloss which has changed my mind on them. It is perfect for day-to-day wear as it is a very subtle colour. So thanks ViviannaDoesMakeup for recommending this product and i am definitely going to get more of them in some of the other shades.

Let me know what other shades I should buy in this lipgloss in the comments below..

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