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[MOVIE REVIEW] - Red Riding Hood

I watched the movie at GSC Cinema - IOI Mall @Hall 3, Puchong at 5:15pm last Satuday. Ticket costed at RM10.00. I didn't know that the movie was directed by the same people who directed Twilight.

It's a gothic, romantic, fairy-tale-like movie and below is the synopsis and cast:


Valerie (Seyfried) is a beautiful young woman torn between two men. She is in love with a brooding outsider, Peter (Fernandez), but her parents have arranged for her to marry the wealthy Henry (Irons). Unwilling to lose each other, Valerie and Peter are planning to run away together when they learn that Valerie's older sister has been killed by the werewolf that prowls the dark forest surrounding their village. For years, the people have maintained an uneasy truce with the beast, offering the creature a monthly animal sacrifice. But under a blood red moon, the wolf has upped the stakes by taking a human life. Hungry for revenge, the people call on famed werewolf hunter, Father Solomon (Oldman), to help them kill the wolf. But Solomon's arrival brings unintended consequences as he warns that the wolf, who takes human form by day, could be any one of them. As the death toll rises with each moon... Written by Warner Bros. Pictures

Director: Catherine Hardwicke
Writer: David Johnson
Stars: Amanda Seyfried, Lukas Haas and Gary Oldman (full cast can be read here)

My Review:

I loved the way that there's a love triangle in the story. Sometimes the Gothic background music seems a bit off with the fairy-like feel of the movie, but I still enjoyed it. It gave me the feeling of watching a Twilight movie and boy was I surprised to know that the movie is from the same director with Twilight.

Lo and behold.. no wonder everything felt so familiar!!

The movie also gave me the sensation of always guesing who the hell was the werewolf. It was very mysterious and I was guessing till the end. Boy was my guess oh so wrong!!!

The male actors in the movie kinda caught my attention. They somehow looked soo heavenly handsome! Ha ha ha. Just like how Edward the vampire did to me when I first watched him on screen. Maybe because i dig guys with a Gothic persona? Maybe. =p

Overall, I love this movie and I'm bent on buying the movie once it is released in stores. Love to add it to my Twillight collection!

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