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reporter Daniel Denvir and radio radical Chuck Mertz upset border patrol well funded and a immigrant deporting machine

Leonardo McGregor
   The history of how centrist politicians opened up the way for President Obama and Donald Trump to eventually have a massive security border army capable of mass deportation of illegal invaders is something that Evanston, Illinois leftist radical radio host Chuck Mertz and his guest Daniel Denvir discussed the other day. The reporter told Mertz of his word researching how the increase of Immigration police was lead by racist nativists pushing for this country to do something about immigrants. people like Denvir and Mertz practically want us to hand over this country and economy to Mexicans and all that is being done is something that previous administrations from Bush to Reagan to carter refused to do and this was militarize our border patrol and actually patrol the fucking border. guys like these two jokers want increased drug trafficking and human chattel slavery to prevail.
Bill Clinton and the other residents after him were reacting to citizens complaints about migrants coming into their communities and committing all sorts of problems and massive increases in crime in which the guest Denvir tried to dispel the importance because somehow he says illegal immigrant have a slightly lower crime rate than natives (which he includes black crime) . the idea that these criminals should be in Mexico and not in the prisons  of America having tax payers support and pay for the illegal invader whose sole presence helps drive and lower wages for so many people. the era of the sanctuary city needs to come to an end as it serves as a magnet for non-citizens to come and practically come and work never having to assimilate and living like they are still in their country. The idea that people can just skip the immigration process and not pay consequences nor face deportation and more imprisonment for continual abuse of a laxed border is outrageous and why there was increased pressure and demand for action and something that these two chumps hate.

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