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Saudi Arabia and America trying for a wider Sunni-Shiite war in Yemen

Ali Muhammad
    Sunni state puppets of oil oligarchs came in droves to support Saudi Arabia and their relentless bombing of neighboring Yemen after Shiite militiamen captured the capital of Yemen. Houthi militant groups wanted the US backed government out after years of allowing American drones to wipe out resistance to their authority and failed leadership in Yemen. Yemen has a history of civil strife and Americans have always been worried about the left leanings of this country during the cold war and that it would encourage other Arab countries socialism was the path for state secular government to be run for the benefit of all its citizens.
Egypt has a history of getting involved within the internal conflicts of Yemen and this latest bombings is surely to b ring out the Sunnis-Shiitt division with American arms dealers salivating at the possibilities of sales. This is the primary driver to all these Middle east conflicts has US intelligence cleverly draws upon internal divisions and has traditionally used this method in fighting tribal societies that resist modernity. America and Arabia desperately want to install their puppet president Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi has he has proven to be a global elite worthy of leading this land even if it is only a hellhole like Yemen. I guess something is better than nothing and being on the border with the kingdom with the worlds largest oil reserves imaginable the importance of who controls little Yemen is somewhat important. This Yemen situation threatens to break up into a wider major regional war that will have all sorts of continuing messy complications for this region and yet another repeat of the Arab-Persian conflict that has been so part of this divide and history of the region looks like it will break again as the Iranians will not let their Shiit brethren to be slaughtered like infelicitous sheep. The long awaited Saudi Arabia and Iran holy war may now commence and is what is needed for Islamic militants to take over the region in much the same way Persian and Greek Byzantine  fighting originally helped Islam expand.

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