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12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS - Oriflame: SkinPro Cleansing System

Hello! In the last two years I have tried three different  face brushes and I have not posted about them before. The reason for that is beacuse I stopped using them or they didn't really do much for me and also because in this year I have mostly been using the Oriflame SkinPro face brush and I have been very content with it. So I thought you might enjoy a review of this budget friendly face brush.

So face brushes have been a real deal for the last three or so years, so they are nothing new but I have not posetd about one before. I hope I will not forget any important aspect about it and that I will make it clear how I use it and how it works for me. My skin is still mixed to oily, now in winter time it's mostly just oily all over. I still have a lot of breakouts and acne problems and I am well out of my teen years, slowly approaching thirties really. I consider my skin quite fat, not thin and not easily damaged and I also have a lot of enlarged pores, especially on my cheeks and nose area. Last three years I have been dealing mostly with occasional breakouts and also constant breakouts along my jaw and neckline, where I seem to be unefficient when it comes to acne reducing. I wanted to try this face brush since it launched and I was really happy when I finally got the chance. I hoped that keeping my face really clean will help me prevent more breakouts and eliminate at leats one factor that could be causing my acne.

The makeup I wear, the pollutants in the environment, dead skin cells, sweat all gather on the surface of your skin and if not properly removed cause skin problems. The skin becomes dull and  rough, breaking out and irritated. The SkinPro Cleansing system promises to be  highly effective and gentle at the same time and also promises to deliver  8 times more  radiant-looking skin while making it softer and  smoother.

The electrical face brush comes in a box that includes 2 AAA batteries, which means the brush runs on them. There is no cable or adapter added as there is no need for it. This face brush runs solely on the batteries, which is a bit more expensive than on electricity and maybe even more polluting. Along with these you get the electric face brush, brush holder, travel pouch, brush and a cover plus instructions how to use.

I like that the brush si not too loud, it's rather on the quiet side. It has only two settings - normal and deep cleansing, which is also faster. The very first use was such a treat! The brush is very gentle, as promised, the most gentle I have ever tried! At the beginning I was using it every day once and in about a week or so I noticed it felt more harsh than the first time. I think that it was a bit too much for my skin, so now I use it about every two, three days, not too often. I think ti does a great job - my skin feels smooth, I can see all the makeup I was unable to remove with my cleansing milk, I actaully see the difference also on my pores and skin texture in general. The brush has 60 seconds timer and will stop rotating after that. So if I want it to last longer or I feel like I have not reached an area yet I just press start again and go over where I need and press start button again to make it stop. I would love for it to also include a beep or a shake so I would know when to  stop or start another part of my face, similarly as is with the Philips Sonicare tooth brush. 

The good thing with this brush is that it has disposable heads. They should be changed once every three months, but can be changed sooner if you feel like the brush feels too rough after a lot of use. There are two different head brush sets - Deep Clean Brush head and Normal/Sensitive Brush head. Each box contains 2 brush heads and the price is really low - about 5 eauros for two heads. I have tried both of these and honestly, I see no difference. Both work well on me but I have no idea if the deep cleanse one actually cleans any better or not. It feels about the same on the skin and it looks as well. 

I will keep using this face brush as my skin reacts well to it as long as I don't over do it. Regular use every second or third day is enough for me and helps me keep my skin smoother and healthier. Also regular change of the brushes is a must and I tend to change them sooner than actual three months as I like them really soft. The only possible downside I se here are the batteries, but than again it's a good thing as you can take it on your travels and not worry weather there will be any slots in the bathroom to plug it in. Also can take it camping and on holidays without much added luggage. In comparison with other such products the price is very reasonable, about 40 euros, but you can getit for less, if you pay attention to the catalogs and wait for a discount. It can also be a great present for someone who loves skincare products.

Previous blog posts in 12  DAYS OF CHRISTMAS  series:

Hope this review was helpful to you!

Love, UniqaPoly

**PR product, the disposable brushes were purchased by me. My review is always honest and based on my own experiences.

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