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Cuzzy's Big Day

Remembered the post that I had promised you guys? I think there are a lot of posts I hadn’t published yet. Too many events and outings I had attended. I think I can’t catch up with myself too. =p

Last month I attended my cousin’s wedding. It was held at Hilton, PJ. Nothing much to blog actually. Let my pictures do the talking. 

carved ice.

with my cousin, aunt, sis and niece

my dearest sis and i

my dearest mummy and i. ❤

my incomplete family photo. *bro wasn't there*

a door gift containing a piece of heart shape chocolate.

my glass of wine =)

busy drinking tea without noticed being captured.

my cousin brother who is currently working in US.

None of the photos I had taken during the tea-ceremony cause we were late. Sorry! Most of the photos above were taken during the dinner.

However right after the dinner ended, we rushed back to Taiping. We reached home about 1am. ❤

P/s: Semester break is going to end tomorrow. =( 
Missed home badly.
Worthy outing with sis just now. Enjoyed it to the maximum. ❤


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