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Thom Hartmann gleefully Rush Limbaugh is dead and comes and tells Ralph Nader we need massive funding for left-wing propaganda

 Jamie Logan

    Left-wing radio host and syndicated hero Thom Hartmann came to Ralph Nader's program and happily declare Rush Limbaugh is dead but  log list of other radio right-winger will replace him on radio and this is a problem. Mr Hartmann said that talk radio needs more progressive voices and money for people like himself and he told Ralph Nader that when radio stations were small and independent there was a monotony  of left-wing radio personalities on air but these days are long over .

Both the failed 2000 presidential candidate Ralph Nader and Mr Hattmann says the consolidation of radio by large corporate media companies naturally want right-wing pro-business media outlets to be the dominate  form and Mr Hartman is angered radio is not as dominated by the left as the television media. Hartmann says both George W Bush and Donald Trump likely won their elections because of the power of talk radio that enabled and lifted the Republicans to office and more than offset the power of CNN/? and MSNBC along with ABC, and CBS that both Nader and Hartmann proudly boast belongs to  the Democratic Party and deservedly so. 
 Ralph Nader and Tom Hartmann called for progressive investors to pony up the money and invest into the radio industry and balance out the right-wing domination of it as Nader drives in his big gas guzzling unsafe car and wants to listen to talk radio but is an arduous task for the geriatric Ralph Green to find talk show leftists who sound and talk like him and he is angered there is no longer a national talk radio news of labor that there use to be to listen to when he was a child in the thirties. Hartmann says there needs to be a task force to bring more radical  progressives n the radio dial and that everything must be done not to give away the airwaves to right-wingers and blamed the victory of Mr Trump not to the power of manipulation from broadcast radio but to the speak and airwaves of talk shows and Hartmann says the biggest issue is not the domination of big tech (which is liberal Democratic leaning) but to break up the monopolies of large corporations that on media radio stations  and Mr Thom Hart again showed his artisan hackness and political drive in is talk.

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